Big News

A Community of Support
2024 represented a year of renewal and growth for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge. We served 73 youth and made 24 new Matches (an increase of 41%), creating and supporting relationships central to the development of our Littles while equally benefiting their families, our Bigs, and our community.
Be a Part of the Action – Join Us for The Big Serve
Learn about the different ways to get involved with The Big Serve. Join the tournament, volunteer, donate equipment or sponsor a match are just some of the ways you can be part of TBS.

Serving Up Success with The Big Serve
On October 19, BBBS will host its inaugural pickleball tournament – The Big Serve. Based on feedback from our Board of Directors, Matches, and community interest, BBBS opted to sunset the run/walk and Fall Fair events in favor of this fresh, new endeavor.

Playing Ball and Changing Lives - Match Spotlight: Big Brother Andrew and Little Brother Egypt
Egypt and Andrew’s story began one year ago, August 2023. Since then, they have formed a remarkable bond. Egypt's mother has noticed significant positive changes.