A Community of Support

2024 represented a year of renewal and growth for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge. We served 73 youth and made 24 new Matches (an increase of 41%), creating and supporting relationships central to the development of our Littles while equally benefiting their families, our Bigs, and our community.

Our vital work would not be possible without our dedicated, generous network of supporters. From advocates and volunteers to donors and community partners, your investment of talents, time, and resources ensures our Littles reach their full potential, and by extension, our community too.

We look forward to acknowledging each and every member of this network in our 2024 annual report to be shared later this year, including corporations, foundations, individuals, organizations, and many more. In the meantime, we would like to highlight a few.

  • Our Bigs | 73 Bigs invested in their Littles supporting them in the day-to-day, major life decisions, and everything in between.

  • Our Board of Directors | 10 leadership volunteers working to make sure the organization is not just meeting its mission, but doing so with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency possible. They help us realize our potential as an organization and community resource.

  • The players, sponsors, partners, volunteers, and donors involved with our inaugural pickleball tournament, The Big Serve | We raised nearly $20,000 in support of and increased awareness for our work.

  • The organizers and attendees of the About Time Music Festival | We received a grant of $5,000 from the event proceeds. Good music and good fun all while supporting BBBSCBR’s good work.

  • Donors making honorarium and memorial gifts | These thoughtful gifts in honor and memory of family, friends, and mentors further demonstrate how meaningful and impactful our work is.

  • The 1904 Society Members | Members of this giving society make annual or multi-year commitments of $2,500 or more, helping provide a solid financial foundation for our current and future efforts.

  • The Lorenzoni Family, Ragged Mountain Running & Walking Shop and their committed customers | Through the annual 12 Days of Giving Campaign in December 2024, BBBS received a gift of $1,100.

  • In-Kind Donors | Whether Sandwiches for Shot Clocks (we’re rooting for you UVA Men’s Basketball and The Markets by Tiger Fuel); discounts by local businesses for Match activities and meals; events tickets from local organizations and individuals; or supplies for activities and events, you provide opportunities for our Matches have fun, learn new things, and grow together.

We are deeply grateful for your investment, partnership, and belief in Big Brothers Big Sisters and more importantly, the youth we serve.


Support BBBSCBR and the Charlottesville Ten Miler!


Match Activity Ideas: Let’s Get Creative in 2025!