Big News

Chitra and Makhia
Favorite match activities?
M & C: Hiking, walking around downtown and getting ice cream, jumping on the trampoline, making tik tok videos, playing the game "would you rather" and laughing. We also had a lot of fun on the BBBS Busch Gardens trip! We almost missed the bus home because we were having so much fun! Occasionally getting to spend time with Makhia and her twin sister Makayla.

Beattie and Ely
What it was like meeting each other for the first time?
E: I felt shy at first, but then we went bowling and asked questions about each other. After that I felt better.
B: Ely was very shy, but quickly warmed up! I had big plans for everything we were going to do together and all we were going to talk about, but learned that it was best to be patient, listen, and let Ely open up when he was ready.